
Thursday, June 16, 2016


Google Documents

(Sorry, I should have done this assignment a long time ago.  But, I will show my completed work now.  )

  I did a simple document and sent it to Chelsea.  Here is the link to the document I did: Out Dated, but FINALLY complete GAIN document.  I just gave a few ideas to Chelsea on an outing we can do as a class in Pigeon Forge, then I asked her to edit the page if she wants to add or take away some ideas.  This was an easy process for me, because I have been building on the other information I've been learning from Spreadsheets and Presentations.  I should have done this assignment first, because I see now how it would have helped me with some confusion...sorry about that Dr. Krug.
  Personally, I normally use Word, when I am in need of a word processor.  It's always been my go to for times when I need to type stuff out.  My first experience with this was when Dr. Krug asked our class to sign up for the presentations we wanted to do in class.  I had never 'edited' a paper like that and saved it to be shared with a group. I was confused and wondering if I was even doing it right.  That first experience, opened me up to how many possibilities lie within Google.  The biggest plus of using Google as my new word processor, is the fact that you can share and link what you are writing to others.  I don't even know if you can do that with Word, but I will use Docs for that purpose now.  I would like to continue blogging, and I think this would be a great tool of that.

  One way that Graham says to use Documents, is to "use the publishing features to share student work through social media websites." (p.53).  This would be a great outlet to let parents see their child's work and display it as a way of 'showing off' how great they are doing.  Many of the CCSS in this chapter are focused on 5th grade and up.  And, include using Documents for the following:

  • Use technology to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products. (p.60)
  • Use technology to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments or information. (p.60)
  • Include multimedia components and visual display sin presentations. (p.63)
  • Introduce a topic and organize complex ideas, concepts, and information. (p.64)
These are just a few of the ones in this chapter.  There are loads of ways to have your students use documents in collaboration with each other and the class as a whole.  If I used documents in my future classes, I would start the document on a topic, and ask my students to expand on that topic (using the editing-shared link) by inserting comments, images, drawings, graphs, etc... After that,  would post it to a page/website/blog that is for my class.

  I did do receive a document from Luke East.  At first, I did not know what it was or why he was sending it.  But, it was easy to open and easy to edit.  This would be a great way to collaborate with my classmates in the future.  I would like to try out the chat feature a little more, but it's hard to get on the same schedule as others to do so.  

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