
Monday, June 20, 2016



To start out this GAIN, I went back and worked on the first Form I did with the TN trivia.  The packet  Dr. Krug gave us was very helpful in this task.  I added several things to the Form I started, including a pict of the state and flag of TN.  To see my form, you can go here: Elisabeth's Form.  I also, took a simple picture of it, here:

  To set my Form up to self-grade itself, I used help from the file.  I went into the grade book I made in last class, and added this quiz as a self-grading quiz on one of my lines.  Once I had my 'student's submit their responses, I saw what grade they had made, by highlighting the correct column.  Since, I was pretending to be all of the students, I made a variety of grades for them.  I had some students miss several questions, one get them all right, and another get most of them wrong.  From this, I could continue to see the averages of my students and the grades popped up.  
  A couple of things that really made this easier for me, were the video tutorials and the packet that Dr. Krug gave us.  To 'go live' with the spreadsheet, really amazed me.  Because, then I see the timestamp of when every student takes their tests, and the way the scores come in immediately to me.  To have these two separate features, collaborate together to make grading easier, is a great tool.  To check out my self-grading Spreadsheet, you can look here: Ms. Johnson's Gradebook.
  Not only is this a great tool for a self-grading quiz, it is also a great tool for reaching other objectives.  In Grahams book, some of the ways we can integrate Forms in our classroom is to have students use it to make surveys, enter student information, it can send emails to other faculty or parents, and be a great tool during faculty meetings.  Some of the CCSS that can be met are the following:
  • Present information, findings and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization of process. (p.117)
  • Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data. (p.117)
  • Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question or solve a problem. (p.117)
As you continue to create and use forms, you are able to email them, share links, and have them ready to be evaluated and looked over by not only yourself as a teacher, but also by the administration.  I found that this would be a great tool when you are grading.  One example that Dr. Krug talked about in class, was that a teacher did not have the grades for a certain student ready when the principle asked for them.  I can see, now, that using Forms would make that an easy task, by just the click of the button.  And, having it linked to the principle or school drive, could make it easy for them to have access to the students grades, too.  

  I was able to make this Form, send it to my partner, and even fill it out as if I were my students.  After that process, I was able to receive their responses and then went immediately into my 'grade book'.  Working with Google, has taught be a lot about organizing and connecting all of my data into one drive.  If the future school I work in does not have this easy of a process, I would like to adopt Google Docs into my class.  

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