I really enjoyed this video, but found another YouTube video that explained it better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tp76tIiBjQU. I really like the thought of using iThoughts to map out ideas, topics and even a project. So, I downloaded the iThought2go app on my iPhone and played around with it.
I decided to map out my Classroom Management Binder from Dr. Votaw's class, even though I have already turned it in. I think this kind of program would have been very beneficial. Anyway, there is the result of just a simple mapping of my binder...
As you can see, I put the management binder as my main point, and then played with the side tabs, as I watched the video. It's just really simple, but I wanted to get an idea of how easy it could be used.
I think an easy version of this (like the 2go) could be used in a classroom of 3rd graders and up. One idea for using it in the classroom is to have the students map out a story that they are reading. They could have the central book title, web from that the main themes, ideas, plot, summary, characters, etc... They could even upload pictures of characters or their ideas of what the characters look like. They could put in their ideas and what they are understanding from the story. It could be a good tool for them to use in most classes.
I want to try to use this in my next big project.
This is very good post .Thanks for watching. Keep up the good writing.
iThoughts Crack