- So, similar to Word, Pages lets you design anything from a newsletter (which is what I use Pages 80% for) all way to business cards. You are able to design and change the size, placement, fonts, layout, etc.... You can also place any pictures you want into both programs, and may it more personalized.
- Another similarity, is that you have pre-made templates on both programs. You do not have to start from scratch, and can easily personalize your newsletter. Both programs have a limited number of templates, but they are at least a good start.
- The final similarity, you can use either and still get good quality. Though, most users fear moving away from Word, other say that Pages offers a more smooth process of editing. Both, have pro's and con's, but over all, you can get the job done, using either.
As for the differences, lets take a peek:
- It seems to me, that Word offers more options to layout letters, resume's, and forms. You can basically type anything in, an it comes up with a pre-made file that you can manipulate. For example, I put in the search tab, "Classroom", and it brought up at least 10 template that included a way to grade, class role, filing, etc... In this sense, Word has more options in templates.
- In the posted video, it seems there are problems with Pages on an iPad. I personally only use it on my MacBook Pro, but the video was saying that there is a problem when you are using both fingers to change the size of a picture. You have to place your fingers a certain way, or you will not be able to drag or change the area you want. It seems like it would take practice to get the hang of using Pages on a iPad, but still seems like a smoother way to create documents.
Nice work. You are an unusual person to not having used Word so much, but more power to you!