
Sunday, June 12, 2016

My Spelling Test App Review

  I really enjoyed seeing the 'My Spelling Test' app in action.  To use this app in class or have the kids practice at home, would benefit the students in many ways.  From the video, it seems like the teacher puts a lot of effort into saying the word and a sentence that goes with it.  I check out another review online at  This broke down the app a lot better than the video.  The app gives easy instructions on how the student sets up their spelling test, and gives immediate feedback on the words they missed.  The student can type in each word and make a voice recording of the words.  Other reviewers (teachers) have commented on how easy the app is to use.
  Some ways I would use it in class are:
 1. Have the students say the words, make up a sentence, and take even more ownership of their spelling words.  Just like the teacher said, they don't need to rely on the teacher to do the work.
 2. Like the teacher in the video said, I would have the students sue the smart board in groups or as a whole class to work together to study the words and quiz each other.

  Overall, I believe this is an easy app for students to use in the classroom, and I would like to use it in my class one day.

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